Crawford Podcasts

Ep. 26 | The Silent Factor in Investing

Written by Crawford Investment Team | February 29, 2024

We often refer to dividend increases as “the silent factor.” Why? Because dividend growth garners small attention among most investors. It can almost go unnoticed, seldom making headlines despite its importance. Most typically, dividend increases are quiet, if not silent, working their influence in relatively small measures that add up greatly over time.

In this episode, we sit down with John Crawford, III, our firm’s founder, to discuss why the silent factor is so important and how dividend increases add up over time, compounding under the surface to the shareholders benefit. In addition to being available on our website, we are pleased that our podcasts are available on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Please reference our related Perspectives post for more detail:


Crawford Investment Counsel Inc. (“Crawford”) is an independent investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. More information about Crawford including our investment strategies and objectives can be found in our ADV Part 2, which is available upon request.

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